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Outcruise - Jaguar Bbombs (Sherman Mak, Aaron Lam)

Express, not impress
Sherman Mak(麥曜麟) freelance filmmaker , born and raised in Hong Kong, pursued film school at York University's B.F.A.Film Production program in Ontario, Canada. Then returned to Hong Kong as a filmmaker with a zealousness in shooting, directing and editing; hoping to be a positive agent of change through inspiring stories and offering new perspectives. He is always looking to collaborate with other creatives to push the boundaries of art and expression. He has collaborated with and has been featured on BOOM magazine, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Dior, Tea Wood, TEDx HKU, TEDx Wanchai, Toronto After dark film festivals and the Fairchild Television Network. He has also worked on features such as, 30:Ghost, 10 Years and Snowden.
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